I suspect there is nothing wrong with your volumes...there could be though.
It is hard to beat Richard Sims' advice.
Check the actlog(s) of the server and or library manager for error and
warning messages related to tapes/paths/drives.
You could also check the system log of the host system for error messages
(errpt in AIX will show some errors for tape drives.)

On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 3:03 PM, Hughes, Timothy <
timothy.hug...@oit.state.nj.us> wrote:

> Thanks again George!
> I think I am going try this
> run the audit command >>  AUDIT VOLUME volser FIX=YES
> That shouldn't hurt anything.
> regards
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of
> George Huebschman
> Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2012 1:38 PM
> Subject: Re: TSM Export issue unavailable tapes causing the exports to
> suspend themselves
> That is a q vol, not q libvol.
> It sounds like TSM or the library can not find the tapes.
>    - The location is blank, so TSM believes the tapes are home.  That does
>    not guarantee they are, or that they are in the right address in the
>   library.
>    - Then the actlog should show if there are read errors (although these
>    tapes are not in error state and show no read or write errors.)
>    - I don't know what library you have and I only have experience with a
>    few, but libraries do lose tapes.  You could try a library audit.
> These tapes were last read/writen from half a year to almost a year ago.
> Have there been any changes to the library or virtual library since then?
>    - Try ejecting the tapes from the library (checking them out) then
>   checking them back in.
>      - If they won't checkout try ejecting them via the library.  Then
>       check them out with "remove=no"...then check them back in.
>    - You could try a move data on one of the tapes as a test.  Put the
>    console up and look for error/warning messages as the command processes.
> George H
> On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 12:03 PM, Hughes, Timothy <
> timothy.hug...@oit.state.nj.us> wrote:
> > George, Thanks for your reply
> >
> > Yes they are there
> >
> >
> >      VOLUME_NAME: C07498L3
> >  EST_CAPACITY_MB: 102400.0
> >     PCT_UTILIZED: 0.0
> >           STATUS: FILLING
> >      PCT_RECLAIM: 0.1
> >          SCRATCH: YES
> >      ERROR_STATE: NO
> >        NUM_SIDES: 1
> >       WRITE_PASS: 1
> >  LAST_WRITE_DATE: 2011-05-06 07:25:51.000000
> >   LAST_READ_DATE: 2011-05-06 05:11:00.000000
> >     WRITE_ERRORS: 0
> >      READ_ERRORS: 0
> >         LOCATION:
> >         CHG_TIME: 2012-03-06 07:52:03.000000
> >

George Huebschman
Cell 410 522-8581

"When you have a choice, spend money where you would prefer to work if you
had NO choice."

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