On 2/21/25 14:45, Dworkin Muller wrote:
> On Fri, 21 Feb 2025 12:21:45 +0000, Stuart Morrow <morrow.stu...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> morrow.stuart> How is it different from flags?
> Well, typically flags are specific to some command, and are documented
> somewhere.  Also, these get used as the first element in a path, and
> are (or seem to be) used mostly in contexts where you're talking about
> device-like things but before you have the usual devices per se
> available.  I.e., I seem to run into them when dealing with trying to
> figure out how to tell the boot environment what it should be looking
> at.  That whole context really isn't very well documented, or at least
> the documentation for it isn't available in any obvious place.  Very
> much in the You Just Gotta Know(TM) category....
This is not quite the case though, /dev/drivers gives you a mapping of the
single character names to their "full" names. This name then corresponds to
their entry within section 3 of the manual pages. Where you'll find specific
documentation of the device interface.


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