On Friday, February 21, 2025, at 11:14 PM, Dworkin Muller wrote:
> However, I'm talking about the scenario where you know absolutely
nothing because you want to find out what this Plan 9 thing, and are
starting from scratch trying to get an initial installation booted on
hardware that may or may not be completely supported in the first
place, and have no idea what you're doing, but the few follow-by-rote
walkthroughs aren't quite working, and everything uses the #<foo>
Perhaps start with something easier?

The Raspberry Pi is very cheap and available and runs Plan 9 from a standard 
binary image with no need to mess with anything more than copying the image 
onto a memory stick and plugging it in.
I think I got from switch-on to typing in a window without having to do 
anything more than maybe press ENTER once.
I have a couple on my desk: a RPi2 running Richard Miller's classic Plan 9, and 
a RPi4 running 9front. 
I didn't have to do anything involving #<foo> names to get these running.
(Blessings to the people who made this possible!)

I don't know whether Richard Miller's Edition will run on the later (64bit) 
RPis, or whether 9front works on the RPi5 yet. You'd have to ask someone who 
knows. The 9front images are on the releases page of 9front.org.

When you've got used to that for a while it may be easier to get it working on 
the hardware of your choice.
I don't think I've reached that point myself yet...
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