In spite of this early drama it seems to be coming along fine. It feels more 
like go but with some different choices. Compiles itself in seconds (tcc or 
system c compiler as backend). I’ve written small programs in it and like it so 
far. It supports *BSD, linux, macos, windows, etc. but not plan9. Some folks 
are writing vinix, a linux like os in it + reimplementing a lot of unix 
programs in v.

Play with it and see what you think. Will it survive long term? Who knows but I 
enjoy playing with it! Toys don’t have to last forever:-)

> On Oct 2, 2024, at 1:18 PM, Willow Liquorice <> wrote:
> I did a bit of digging around on the internet about this after Noam's email, 
> because it piqued my curiosity. I'd always dismissed V as basically being 
> Zig, but without any of Zig's evolutionary ideas about memory management and 
> comptime execution.
> When V was a young project, the lead dev made a lot of wild claims about its 
> capabilities and performance that turned out to be misleading or nonsensical, 
> while it was a closed-source project.[1]_[2]_[3]_
> The project's credibility was, AFAICT, irreparably damaged in its infancy. 
> The cited pages (and the links therein) could serve as a foundation for a 
> personal judgement on the matter.
>       - Willow
> .. [1]
> .. [2]
> .. [3]
>> On 02/10/2024 20:39, Don A. Bailey wrote:
>> Why? (Not being flip. This is the first I’ve heard of it and I’d like your 
>> thoughts.)
>> D
>>>> On Oct 2, 2024, at 3:31 PM, Noam Preil <> wrote:
>>> V is a scam.
>>> - Noam Preil

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