> From: Paul Kraus [mailto:p...@kraus-haus.org]
> > I have a solaris 10u8 box I'm logged into right now.  man zfs shows that
> sharesmb is
> > available as an option.  I suppose I could be wrong, if either the man
page is
> wrong,
> > or if I'm incorrectly assuming the zfs sharesmb property uses the
> cifs daemon.
>     I made the same (incorrect) assumption months ago.
>     The data structure is there in ZFS to support the CIFS server, but
> the kernel support is NOT in Solaris 10. There is an excellent blog
> entry (which I do not have a link to at the moment) which explains
> why. Essentially it comes down to the CIFS server being a kernel layer
> module and the Solaris 10 kernel not having enough understanding of
> CIFS (AD) security. That functionality was added to the kernel with
> Solaris 11 (and is a big enough change that it will not be back ported
> into the Solaris 10 kernel).

So if you were to enable the sharesmb property on a zfs filesystem in sol10,
you just get an error or something?

I don't want to test it on my live system, nor do I want to go to the effort
of building a VM just to test this...  Nor would I use it, even if it did
work.   ;-)   But I'm curious.

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