On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 9:26 AM, Edward Ned Harvey
<opensolarisisdeadlongliveopensola...@nedharvey.com> wrote:

> I have a solaris 10u8 box I'm logged into right now.  man zfs shows that 
> sharesmb is
> available as an option.  I suppose I could be wrong, if either the man page 
> is wrong,
> or if I'm incorrectly assuming the zfs sharesmb property uses the in-kernel 
> cifs daemon.

    I made the same (incorrect) assumption months ago.

    The data structure is there in ZFS to support the CIFS server, but
the kernel support is NOT in Solaris 10. There is an excellent blog
entry (which I do not have a link to at the moment) which explains
why. Essentially it comes down to the CIFS server being a kernel layer
module and the Solaris 10 kernel not having enough understanding of
CIFS (AD) security. That functionality was added to the kernel with
Solaris 11 (and is a big enough change that it will not be back ported
into the Solaris 10 kernel).

Paul Kraus
-> Senior Systems Architect, Garnet River ( http://www.garnetriver.com/ )
-> Sound Coordinator, Schenectady Light Opera Company (
http://www.sloctheater.org/ )
-> Technical Advisor, RPI Players
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