> From: James C. McPherson [mailto:j...@opensolaris.org]
> Sent: Monday, March 14, 2011 9:20 AM
> > Just for clarity:
> > The in-kernel CIFS service is indeed available in solaris 10.
> Are you really, really sure about that? Please point the RFE number
> which tracks the inclusion in a Solaris 10 Update.
> I'd also like to know where you're getting your information from
> on this topic.

Really really sure?  No, because I don't use it.  I wouldn't stake my life on 
the man page being error-free.  But I do know this:

I have a solaris 10u8 box I'm logged into right now.  man zfs shows that 
sharesmb is available as an option.  I suppose I could be wrong, if either the 
man page is wrong, or if I'm incorrectly assuming the zfs sharesmb property 
uses the in-kernel cifs daemon.

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