Will Murnane wrote:
On 6/16/07, Rob Windsor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Good lord!

That's a $400 mobo and CPUs are $400/ea (give or take a few bucks,
depending on where you shop).

My solution was cheaper and more upgrade-friendly.  :)

Remind me again, how much do Areca cards cost?

$60 for mobo, $60 for cpu, $150 for memory, $530 for 8-port Areca card.  :)

I was shooting for a socket-939 since I already had a spare 3800+ and memory.

Something like this might be more interesting:

Yes, that's pretty tasty for an AM2.

2 of those
nice Supermicro controllers, for example, will fit fine.

I'm assuming you're referring to AOC-SAT2-MV8 (only 3Gb/s card listed).

I don't see those listed in the HCL as either "Supermicro" or "Marvell", which is why they weren't even a consideration.

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