On 6/16/07, Rob Windsor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Good lord!
That's a $400 mobo and CPUs are $400/ea (give or take a few bucks,
depending on where you shop).
My solution was cheaper and more upgrade-friendly. :)
Remind me again, how much do Areca cards cost? Then again, the FX
platform is pretty awful in terms of power usage/heat dissipation.
Something like this might be more interesting:
especially since Newegg's currently giving away a 3600+ with that
board. For $300, you get 3 onboard sata + 1 external, on a Marvell
chipset (which should work under Solaris just fine), 2 64/133 PCI-X
slots, and 2 real x16 slots. Sounds pretty good to me. Add $130 for
2 gigs of memory:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820134113 and
you've got yourself a decent platform to upgrade from - 2 of those
nice Supermicro controllers, for example, will fit fine.
My $.02
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