Ian Collins wrote:
Alec Muffett wrote:
As I understand matters, from my notes to design the "perfect" home
NAS server :-)

1) you want to give ZFS entire spindles if at all possible; that will
mean it can enable and utilise the drive's hardware write cache
properly, leading to a performance boost. You want to do this if you
can.  Alas it knocks out the "split all disks into 7 & 493Gb
partitions" design concept.

2) I've considered pivot-root solutions based around a USB stick or
drive; cute, but I want a single tower box and no "dongles"

3) This leads me to the following design points:

    - enormous tower case with 10+ bays

A good alternative is a smaller case with 6 bays and two 5 way
SuperMicro cages.  Better for space and drive cooling.

    - HE/high-efficency mobo with 8+ SATA capability

What 8-port-SATA motherboard models are Solaris-friendly? I've hunted and hunted and have finally resigned myself to getting a "generic" motherboard with PCIe-x16 and dropping in an Areca PCIe-x8 RAID card (in JBOD config, of course).

As for drive arrangement, I went with the Addonics 5-drives-in-3-bays cages, rather similar to the SuperMicro ones mentioned above.

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