> On Oct 24, 2023, at 3:44 PM, Lorna Evans <lorna_ev...@sil.org> wrote:
> I downloaded Hoefler Text from here:
> https://fontsgeek.com/fonts/Hoefler-Text-Regular#google_vignette
> My minimal example:
>> %!TEX TS-program = xelatex
>> \documentclass[12pt]{memoir}
>> \usepackage{fontspec}
>> \setmainfont[Renderer=OpenType]{Hoefler Text}
>> \begin{document}
>> Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. The
>> quick brown fox jumped over the lazy black dog.
>> \fontspec{Hoefler Text}[
>> Renderer=OpenType,
>> RawFeature={+smcp}]
>> Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. The
>> quick brown fox jumped over the lazy black dog.
>> \end{document}
> This produced
> <0zD8ysJKQPSxTnZv.png>I don't know if the screenshot will come through on
> this list. But it seems to work. I'm on Windows though.
> Lorna
> On 10/23/2023 8:40 PM, David Barts via XeTeX wrote:
>> Posted this on the /r/tex subreddit and it was recommended I post it here:
>> When I run XeLaTeX from TeX Live 2023 on my Mac, it does not allow me to
>> access the small caps (smcp feature) in the Baskerville or Hoefler Text
>> fonts. I know these fonts contain small caps, because I can access the smcp
>> feature in them when using Libre Office. I know Libre Office isn’t simply
>> faking it and using a smaller point size to get small caps because a) that’s
>> not how the text appears (the small caps sure look like proper small caps to
>> me), b) it doesn’t do this for all fonts.
>> It’s not all Open Type fonts that XeTeX has problems with, either. It can
>> use the small caps in Shinntype’s Scotch Modern just fine.
>> I’ve done some web searches about this and so far came up dry. Was wondering
>> if anyone else had noticed it or has a workaround.
>> --
>> David Barts / n5...@me.com
>> He who has nothing to die for has nothing to live for.
>> -- Moroccan proverb
Does the OpenType version of Hoefler Text appear in Font Book? If you are using
\setmainfont using a font name (rather than file name) xelatex (at least on
Mac) will only use fonts that that the system `knows' about. There is a ttf
version of Hoefler Text so that is what will be used. You must let Font Book
`know' about the OpenType version and then make it the active version.
Good Luck,
Herb Schulz