I downloaded Hoefler Text from here:
My minimal example:
%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
\setmainfont[Renderer=OpenType]{Hoefler Text}
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy black dog.
\fontspec{Hoefler Text}[
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy black dog.
This produced
I don't know if the screenshot will come through on this list. But it
seems to work. I'm on Windows though.
On 10/23/2023 8:40 PM, David Barts via XeTeX wrote:
Posted this on the /r/tex subreddit and it was recommended I post it here:
When I run XeLaTeX from TeX Live 2023 on my Mac, it does not allow me
to access the small caps (smcp feature) in the Baskerville or Hoefler
Text fonts. I know these fonts contain small caps, because I can
access the smcp feature in them when using Libre Office. I know Libre
Office isn’t simply faking it and using a smaller point size to get
small caps because a) that’s not how the text appears (the small caps
sure look like proper small caps to me), b) it doesn’t do this for all
It’s not all Open Type fonts that XeTeX has problems with, either. It
can use the small caps in Shinntype’s Scotch Modern just fine.
I’ve done some web searches about this and so far came up dry. Was
wondering if anyone else had noticed it or has a workaround.
David Barts /n5...@me.com
He who has nothing to die for has nothing to live for.
-- Moroccan proverb