dear Lorna, I downloaded the font and opened it with FontLab. Even though it has a feature
feature smcp { # GSUB feature: Small Capitals # Lookups: 1 script latn; # Latin sub @smcp by @smcp2; } smcp; and a class called smcp: b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z a_acute a_grave a_circumflex a_dieresis a_tilde a_ring c_cedilla e_acute e_grave e_circumflex e_dieresis i_acute i_grave i_circumflex i_dieresis n_tilde o_acute o_grave o_circumflex o_dieresis o_tilde u_acute u_grave u_circumflex u_dieresis a_e o_slash o_e y_dieresis a_macron a_breve a_ogonek c_acute c_caron d_quote.right d_bar.croat d_bar.eth e_macron e_dot.accent e_ogonek e_caron g_breve g_acute i_macron i_ogonek k_cedilla l_acute l_cedilla l_quote.right l_dot.right l_slash n_acute n_cedilla n_caron o_macron o_umlaut.hungarian r_acute r_cedilla r_caron s_acute s_cedilla s_comma.below s_caron t_cedilla t_comma.below t_quote.right u_ring u_macron u_ogonek u__umlaut.hungarian y_acute z_acute z_dot.accent z_caron thorn g_comma.below k_comma.below l_comma.below n_comma.below r_comma.below it does not contain glyphs with the .smcp extension but only glyphs with the .small extension as you can see here:  Maybe XeTeX needs to find the .smcp extension to use a glyph in the frame of the smcp feature. > Le 24 oct. 2023 à 22:44, Lorna Evans <> a écrit : > > I downloaded Hoefler Text from here: > > > My minimal example: > > >> %!TEX TS-program = xelatex >> >> \documentclass[12pt]{memoir} >> \usepackage{fontspec} >> >> \setmainfont[Renderer=OpenType]{Hoefler Text} >> >> \begin{document} >> Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. The >> quick brown fox jumped over the lazy black dog. >> >> \fontspec{Hoefler Text}[ >> Renderer=OpenType, >> RawFeature={+smcp}] >> Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. The >> quick brown fox jumped over the lazy black dog. >> >> >> \end{document} >> >> > This produced > > <0zD8ysJKQPSxTnZv.png> > > I don't know if the screenshot will come through on this list. But it seems > to work. I'm on Windows though. > > Lorna > > > > On 10/23/2023 8:40 PM, David Barts via XeTeX wrote: >> Posted this on the /r/tex subreddit and it was recommended I post it here: >> >> When I run XeLaTeX from TeX Live 2023 on my Mac, it does not allow me to >> access the small caps (smcp feature) in the Baskerville or Hoefler Text >> fonts. I know these fonts contain small caps, because I can access the smcp >> feature in them when using Libre Office. I know Libre Office isn’t simply >> faking it and using a smaller point size to get small caps because a) that’s >> not how the text appears (the small caps sure look like proper small caps to >> me), b) it doesn’t do this for all fonts. >> >> It’s not all Open Type fonts that XeTeX has problems with, either. It can >> use the small caps in Shinntype’s Scotch Modern just fine. >> >> I’ve done some web searches about this and so far came up dry. Was wondering >> if anyone else had noticed it or has a workaround. >> >> -- >> David Barts / <> >> He who has nothing to die for has nothing to live for. >> -- Moroccan proverb <> Yannis HARALAMBOUS Professor Computer Science Department UMR CNRS 6285 Lab-STICC <> <> <>Technopôle Brest-Iroise CS 83818 29238 Brest Cedex 3, France Une École de l'IMT <> The ball I threw while playing in the park has not yet reached the ground (Dylan Thomas, Should Lanterns Shine)