>>> On 11.09.18 at 11:20, <andrew.coop...@citrix.com> wrote:
> On 11/09/18 10:18, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>>>> On 11.09.18 at 11:15, <andrew.coop...@citrix.com> wrote:
>>> On 11/09/18 10:10, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>>>>>> On 11.09.18 at 10:50, <andrii_ani...@epam.com> wrote:
>>>>> On 11.09.18 11:27, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>>>>> NAK, for two reasons: I'm not of the opinion that reading a 15 or more
>>>>>> digit decimal number without any separators is any easier than the
>>>>>> current format.
>>>>> It's quite subjective. IMHO timestamps measured in ns easier to 
>>>>> understand in decimals rather than in separated 32-bit hex-es. No matter 
>>>>> how many digital number they have.
>>>> It is subjective, yes, but in such a case you even more so need to
>>>> demonstrate a change is an overall improvement.
>>>>> Even post processing of perfc output is easier in case of decimal 
>>>>> timestamps. You should not parse hexes and odd separators to calculate 
>>>>> the time elapsed between two samples.
>>>> Post processing usually uses scrips for parsing - I don't think it's
>>>> overly complicated to have a script convert the number into
>>>> basically any format you want.
>>> Right, but this particular mis-pattern wants fixing.  It is simply
>>> confusing to have a single number formatted with a colon inbetween.
>> What other separator do you suggest? I consider it quite helpful
>> to have one when there are more than about 10 digits. (I'd also
>> be fine, btw, to have the time printed in decimal, but then
>> perhaps with ms granularity and 6 digits for the fractional part.)
> It is currently more common across the base to use the format proposed
> by Andrii.
> For consistently alone, that format should be followed, or *everything*
> should be changed.

_More_ consistency would be desirable, but I don't think there's a
strict need to get there in one step. A patch shouldn't result in less
consistency, I fully agree. If there are other hard to parse (by a
human) time stamps which get logged, I'm all for changing them,
but right here the focus is just on the headlines which some of the
key handlers log (which, as indicated before, I'd indeed like to see
changed all in one go).


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