>>> On 11.09.18 at 10:50, <andrii_ani...@epam.com> wrote:
> On 11.09.18 11:27, Jan Beulich wrote:
>> NAK, for two reasons: I'm not of the opinion that reading a 15 or more
>> digit decimal number without any separators is any easier than the
>> current format.
> It's quite subjective. IMHO timestamps measured in ns easier to 
> understand in decimals rather than in separated 32-bit hex-es. No matter 
> how many digital number they have.

It is subjective, yes, but in such a case you even more so need to
demonstrate a change is an overall improvement.

> Even post processing of perfc output is easier in case of decimal 
> timestamps. You should not parse hexes and odd separators to calculate 
> the time elapsed between two samples.

Post processing usually uses scrips for parsing - I don't think it's
overly complicated to have a script convert the number into
basically any format you want.


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