On 17.03.2023 14:19, Luca Fancellu wrote:
> --- a/docs/misc/xen-command-line.pandoc
> +++ b/docs/misc/xen-command-line.pandoc
> @@ -1005,6 +1005,19 @@ restrictions set up here. Note that the values to be 
> specified here are
>  ACPI PXM ones, not Xen internal node numbers. `relaxed` sets up vCPU
>  affinities to prefer but be not limited to the specified node(s).
> +### dom0_sve (arm)
> +> `= <integer>`
> +
> +> Default: `0`
> +
> +Enable arm SVE usage for Dom0 domain and sets the maximum SVE vector length.
> +Values above 0 means feature is enabled for Dom0, otherwise feature is 
> disabled.
> +Possible values are from 0 to maximum 2048, being multiple of 128, that will 
> be
> +the maximum vector length.
> +Please note that the platform can supports a lower value, if the requested 
> value
> +is above the supported one, the domain creation will fail and the system will
> +stop.
> +
>  ### dom0_vcpus_pin
>  > `= <boolean>`

I'd like to raise the question of proliferation of top-level command
line options controlling Dom0. In x86 we've specifically started to use
"dom0=" as the one top-level option where almost all new controls should
be added as sub-options.

_If_ a top-level option is indeed preferred, then please avoid the use
of an underscore in its name, when a dash does fine.


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