I don't believe there is any value in WiX being a web based install (other than 
the very valid point about dog fooding the code). In addition the new install 
forces me to install .Net 4.0 just because the installer needs it; I would like 
that to be optional as I don't like polluting build machines with more than it 
really necessary (I know I could manually install the files but would rather 
not). I work in a company that has very little internet access and have to 
request downloads, asking someone to download the exe and then run it with the 
/Layout is a pain.


-----Original Message-----
From: Albert van Peppen [mailto:alb...@insad.nl] 
Sent: 05 March 2012 16:52
To: chr...@iswix.com; General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Wow!

I agree 100% with this. That is basically why I keep the entire history of WiX 
in my repository (diskspace isn't that expensive nowadays :) )

Best regards,

Albert van Peppen
Senior System Engineer

Insad Grafisch b.v.
Mollevite 28
6931 KG  Westervoort
The Netherlands

Phone: *31 (0) 26 319 01 50
Email: alb...@insad.nl
Website: www.insad.nl 

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Christopher Painter [mailto:chr...@iswix.com]
Verzonden: 05 March 2012 16:49
Aan: Rob Mensching; General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Onderwerp: Re: [WiX-users] Wow!


Regarding /layout,  all developers *SHOULD* be doing it despite losing those 
"savings".  (Assuming any savings is actually realized based on how many 
developers are installing the software. )

Anyone involved in the process of developing software ( especially build and 
release engineering )  should have mature policies regarding the 
ability to track and archive changes to the development environment.    If 
I have to rebuild a build machine or developer machine I have to be able go 
back and reinstall all of the tools exactly the way they were originally 

Relying on content for a web-enabled installer to be available 1,5,10 years 
down the road ( we still get requests to rebuild VB6 applications! )  is a 
horrible practice as the external dependency is outside of your control.  
You must keep your own archive of the tool to ensure the SLA can b met.  
Everyone who understands CM should be doing this.

Thus /layout is not only an annoyance to me, it's an antipattern. 



From: "Rob Mensching" <r...@robmensching.com>

Sent: Monday, March 05, 2012 9:38 AM

To: chr...@iswix.com, "General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset." 

Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Wow!

1. The WiX install *does* chain NETFX 4 in because that is needed before the 
WiX BA can show UI (since the WiX BA is written in WPF).
2. Dogfooding is the primary reason.
3. We save *significant* bandwidth using Burn because during normal installs it 
only downloads the portions of the product that you actually need. 
If *everyone* start using /layout those savings will be lost. <smile/>

4. The wixstdba UI is not as functional as we'd like but the web install 
experience is significantly better. Click download like, survive the web 
browser screening process (this gets better if we can get WiX signed), click 
"Run" and in a second the ~500kb exe is verified and running. Then you have a 
nice experience while the process downloads and installs only the parts you 
Admittedly, if you want a full layout, then you do "Save" and have to run 
another command-line. That scenario is not optimized.
5. ISOs are inferior to /layout because they do not get the built-in robust 
downloading of Burn. You could use a 3rd party downloader but that 3rd party 
download cannot verify the downloaded ISO file the way Burn will verify and 
retry each file.
We are moving the cheese a little bit here to challenge the status quo and see 
if we can't make things better for advanced users and less-advanced users at 
the same time. My takeaway is that we may have deprioritized the /layout 
scenario too much and should evaluate that going into the home stretch.

On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 7:06 AM, Christopher Painter <chr...@iswix.com>

Other then being allowing WiX to dogfood Burn,  what benefit does the WiX

installer even gain from using Burn?  I thought the old Mondo UI looked

just fine and it was a simpler 1 MSI story to boot.   My experience with

the Burn based WiX installers is that user experience is inferior relative

to what it was.   It doesn't seem like to me that WiX.msi needed any of 

capabilities of Burn as it doesn't do things like install the .NET

framework for you or chain multiple packages together.

Personally, I still want my Visual Studio in ISO format and when SP1 comes

out I'd appreciate a service release that contains it.  I get sick of

spending 20 minutes to install Visual Studio and 60 minutes to patch it.


From: "Bruce Cran" <br...@cran.org.uk>

Sent: Monday, March 05, 2012 8:43 AM

To: "General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset."


Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Wow!

On 05/03/2012 14:01, keith.doug...@statcan.gc.ca wrote:

> The below news is somewhat distressing for those of us who have no

Internet connection at all on our development workstations and have to use

others (non-development machines) to get such access. Is downloading the

/layout way and then (say) moving a directory or something going to work,

or does /layout change other things (registry)? If it is going to work,

will the procedure be well documented? If not, what do you propose people

in my sort of situation to do?


> (And if Visual Studio 2011 works either of those ways we're going to 
> be

in a world of hurt here ...)

As I understand it, /layout does nothing more than grab a copy of the

files for offline use - for example the WDK 8 beta comes as a .zip that

looks like it's been created by running /layout since there's

wdksetup.exe and an 'Installers' directory. If you rename the directory,

wdksetup.exe goes online to fetch the files.

Of course it doesn't help if you want to do the download using your Mac.


Bruce Cran



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