> Parametric Router.  I just read the book again and I had overlooked that 
> with the parametric router you cannot have app specific routes in the app 
> folder.

Actually, according to the example file, you can have app-specific routes 
in the app folder if desired: 
http://code.google.com/p/web2py/source/browse/router.example.py#6. This is 
not mentioned in the book.

> I am suggesting the flow as follows:
> 1. Look for root routes.py.
> 2. See whether there are any apps specified which have their own routing.  
> The test for this is simply to look at the first arg of the URL after the 
> domain:port.  The routes can already do that,  can't they?  
> 3. If app specific routes apply,  then go and get the app/routes.py and 
> follow that.
> 4. If not,  then follow the default routes.

Isn't this basically how it already works (for both systems)? I think the 
only catch is that if you do have app-specific routes in the application 
folder, you also have to have a routes.py in the root folder in order to 
indicate that (i.e., if there's no root routes.py, it won't attempt to do 
any rewriting).

> @Anthony.  As you say, the naming is not really an issue as long as 
> everything is clear and you suggest the documentation is pretty adequate -- 
> but evidently it is not.

Here's what I said earlier:

*Yes, I think the rewrite documentation could be improved, particularly 
with more examples for cases like this.*

I agree the documentation can be improved. I wasn't claiming the 
documentation is generally adequate -- only that it does appear to 
adequately communicate the particular point you were making, namely, that 
the parameter-based system is simpler but has limitations and the 
pattern-based system more complex but more flexible.


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