On Jul 2, 2012, at 8:43 AM, Wikus van de Merwe wrote:
> I might be missing something but it looks to me that there is a very simple 
> solution to your problem.

I think (not certain) that the "plugin_" prefix is magic for the plugin 
manager. If that's the case, one fix would be to invent a way to communicate 
aliases to the plugin manager. (If that's not the case: never mind.)

> Rename the controller from "plugin_wiki" to "pretty_url". Then use the 
> following routes.py:
> routers = dict(
>     app1 = dict(
>         domain = "domain1.com",
>         default_controller = "default",
>         default_function = "myfunc1"
>     ),
>     app2 = dict(
>         domain = "domain2.com",
>         default_controller = "default",
>         default_function = "myfunc2"
>     )
> )

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