On Jun 29, 2012, at 8:47 AM, villas wrote:
> @Jonathan.
> Parametric Router.  I just read the book again and I had overlooked that with 
> the parametric router you cannot have app specific routes in the app folder.  
> That is a shame because I had always thought a main advantage of having an 
> app specific routes.py is so that it could be distributed with the app.  This 
> in itself may be a reason to avoid it.  An app that depends on this 
> functionality cannot be distributed in the normal way?
> I cannot see why the root routes.py cannot determine whether it has 
> recognised an app.  Afterall,  we are telling it the app names.
> I am suggesting the flow as follows:
> 1. Look for root routes.py.
> 2. See whether there are any apps specified which have their own routing.  
> The test for this is simply to look at the first arg of the URL after the 
> domain:port.  The routes can already do that,  can't they?  
> 3. If app specific routes apply,  then go and get the app/routes.py and 
> follow that.
> 4. If not,  then follow the default routes.

Example: both routers are capable of routing to an application based on some 
combination of scheme, domain & port, in which case the app name is typically 
not present in the incoming URL.

> In all cases,  the user can opt for parametric routes or pattern routes.  
> Maybe a flag at the start of each file should make it clear which.
> I am not asking for anything which isn't already available in one form or 
> another.  You are saying it is non-trivial.  Well I definitely agree with 
> that!  However,  if it already available,  then surely it is possible.
> @Anthony.  As you say, the naming is not really an issue as long as 
> everything is clear and you suggest the documentation is pretty adequate -- 
> but evidently it is not.  In my original post above,  I described a simple 
> case which appears to be possible with the parametric router,  but you 
> concede that it is not. This has got me wondering how we might make all this 
> more obvious,  so that in future people like me can figure it out without 
> wasting other peoples' time.  
> In referring back to my original post,  I am hoping that this test case will 
> be a catalyst to getting a clearer routing solution.

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