On Jun 27, 2012, at 10:33 PM, Anthony wrote:
> It is usually a good thing that we have choices,  but not choices of blind 
> alleys.  IMO  there should be one comprehensive way for web2py to do routes. 
> If regex patterns are the only way to solve all situations then so be it - we 
> should just get used to it.  All our efforts can then go in building up a 
> comprehensive list of recipes and off-the-shelf regex patterns that we can 
> all just use.
> The parameter-based system already exists. Can't we keep it and still build 
> up a list of regex recipes? I'm not sure, but I think some of the things the 
> router handles might get a little hairy with regexes (particularly if 
> combined). I think it works well to have any easy to use router system that 
> handles the most common cases, and then a more advanced (but harder to use) 
> system for the trickier cases.
> The fact that there doesn't seem to be a clear answer to my easy question 
> already says it all,  but the idea of renaming plugin_wiki as a work-around 
> puts the issue beyond doubt  :)
> Is plugin_wiki the core of your site? If so, perhaps you could use the router 
> and make plugin_wiki the default controller (so it is removed from the URL 
> altogether).

A controller-name map (or perhaps some generalization of that concept) would be 
relatively straightforward in the parametric router. Not sure how generally 
useful it'd be.

Or give the plugin controller the idea of an alias.

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