On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 4:34 PM, Bruce Wade <bruce.w...@gmail.com> wrote:
> GPL = Doesn't want anyone making money off their code and forces people to
> recommit their code. This is good because everyone gets the code, bad
> because you don't have a choice.

This is not completely true.

GPL has nothing to do with making money.
GPL do not forces anyone to recommit their code. It only says that if
you make a GPL derivative, you have to offer a way to get the source
code with the modification (only to your customers that received the
software directly from you).
You don't even need to publish it, just give it to your customers (of
course, your customers can give the code to others).

So, if you just use GPL for a web application, and you don't
distribute that application, you don't have to give the code to
anyone, you can keep it closed with all your "trade secrets".
This will be the use case for most users of Movuca, so they wouldn't
have to worry on republishing code.

GPL only protect against anyone wishing to take open source code for
free, closing it and sell binary only copies.
That really hurts free software in this case.

Mariano Reingart

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