> *Everybody can extend, create plugins and add functionalities or plug in 
> to another apps*
> - If used to deploy a website for you or client, free or commercial I dont 
> care about modifications, you can keep it as a secret (because it can have 
> your own business logic)
> *NOBODY can create or offer a commercial or closed source Movuca based 
> "platform", I mean, you can't take the source code to create and distribute 
> a "XPTO Social CMS engine"*
> - If you want to create it, *you will need to share your source code and 
> modifications*!

Out of curiosity, why are you OK with the first use case (i.e., keep 
modifications private when deploying on a server for commercial purposes) 
but not the second (i.e., keep modifications private when distributing via 
other means for commercial purposes)? In both cases, someone is making 
money and keeping any modifications they have made private (i.e., not 
contributing back). I'm not arguing that one or the other should be allowed 
or prohibited, just curious about the distinction between these cases.


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