For this case, LGPL3 or GPL3 are almost indistinguishable in this
context (web app)
AFAIK, LGPL3 is better if you want that subparts of Movuca being
used/distributed in other contexts (i.e., with other closed source
CMS, or with other open source software MIT/BSD licensed)

With web2py it is more complicated to say if you can take it's source
and create "Bruno's commercial framework".
I guess neither with GPL nor with LGPL3 you could do that.
What you can do is use web2py gluon libraries to build third-party
closed-source apps, or use web2py to server closed source web-apps,
but not a web2py propietary derivative.

Best regards,

Mariano Reingart

On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 6:28 PM, Bruce Wade <> wrote:
> From your description you are wanting to go with LGPL3.
> On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 1:21 PM, Bruno Rocha <> wrote:
>> Example, I can use joomla to create commercial websites for my clients,
>> also I can use it if I am a hosting provider to offer as a service "create
>> site" tool.
>> But I cant use Joomla to create a : Bruno's joomla commercial platform to
>> compete with Joomla.
>> I think if you are going to keep the code in your server the code is
>> yours, but if you want to redistribute the platform, you have to contribute
>> back to community. The problem is not money, the problem is using open
>> source code to create commercial platforms and not contributing back to the
>> community.
>> Can I take web2py source and create "Bruno's commercial framework" ??
>> extend it and sell to my clients, keeping my improvements closed?
>> On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 7:01 PM, Anthony <> wrote:
>>>> Everybody can extend, create plugins and add functionalities or plug in
>>>> to another apps
>>>> - If used to deploy a website for you or client, free or commercial I
>>>> dont care about modifications, you can keep it as a secret (because it can
>>>> have your own business logic)
>>>> NOBODY can create or offer a commercial or closed source Movuca based
>>>> "platform", I mean, you can't take the source code to create and distribute
>>>> a "XPTO Social CMS engine"
>>>> - If you want to create it, you will need to share your source code and
>>>> modifications!
>>> Out of curiosity, why are you OK with the first use case (i.e., keep
>>> modifications private when deploying on a server for commercial purposes)
>>> but not the second (i.e., keep modifications private when distributing via
>>> other means for commercial purposes)? In both cases, someone is making money
>>> and keeping any modifications they have made private (i.e., not contributing
>>> back). I'm not arguing that one or the other should be allowed or
>>> prohibited, just curious about the distinction between these cases.
>>> Anthony
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> --
> Regards,
> Bruce Wade

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