El Wed, 12 Oct 2011 06:59:32 -0700 (PDT)
Massimo Di Pierro <massimo.dipie...@gmail.com> escribió:

> Hope nobody gets offended by this email and I have no option but bring
> it up because I have received few emails on the topic.
> This is a multinational, multicultural community and this is a very
> good thing. We want to keep it this way. Each of us has different
> believes. Some people have expressed their believes (political,
> religious, metaphysical) but occasionally when this conflicts with
> believes of another person, the other person may feel offended. It has
> happened.
> I do not think anybody has been doing anything wrong, because 1) we
> have no policy about this; 2) because nobody ever tried to convince
> anybody else on matters not related to the mailing list topic. In
> those cases when religious or political statement was made, it was
> done in the form of a signature.
> Do we need a policy about this?
> Do we want see other people political/religious/philosophical
> statements in there emails?
> The problem with this issue is that everybody has a different
> sensibility threshold. I too have mine. For example I would be very
> uncomfortable if anybody were to post statements objecting what I
> consider basic scientific truths.
> Perhaps having a policy that says we should make no political/
> religious/philosophical statements is the simplest policy to
> implement.  Or perhaps just being aware of this problem is sufficient
> and people will act differently. Of course this problem cannot be
> solved completely as new users would not always be aware of policy.
> And there always be exceptions (what if a user if building a software
> that is connected to his/her belief).
> I this point I am not suggesting a policy on this, I am just telling
> everybody there is an issue. Some people have been raising it
> privately. You may want to think twice about what you put in your
> emails. You may get more people to help you if you are neutral.
> There is one policy I will be enforcing though (which is related but
> does not solve thee issue above):
> ------
> If I see any statement that will appear discriminatory towards any
> group of people, I will demand an apology and, depending on the
> severity or lack of apology, I will ban the user who posted the
> statement. (for the record. to my knowledge, this has never happend).
> ------
> Massimo

This is a mailing list about web2py... and we are all users, so?...
does anyone thinks that if some people from this list doesn't share our
religious believes or political ideology is offensive some how?... i
don't think there's a policy needed, should be implied that since this
is a community related to software/opensource/free software (since
web2py's components share different licences), most of us (not to say
all) are not interested on unrelated subjects... there are a lot of
groups on google where we can go and find everything we don't have,
need and will not have on this one.


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