Regards, Sometimes I notice that when an error is detected in the stable,this is fixed in the trunk. On the other hand, all the new featuresare included in the trunk. New features bring new bugs, thus thetrunk will always have some errors that are passed to the stable.
I think there should be a version, not to call it ... , Something likeUbuntu LTS (Long Term Support). and that this version receiveimmediate bug fixes. and other critical updates that do notprovide new features mean, for a considerable time until thestable version and has been sufficiently tested. 2010/12/21 Luther Goh Lu Feng <> > I have started using web2py a few months ago and I have noticed that > some of the releases might actually be far from stable. Take for > instance, the 1.90 release. There were unfortunately quite a few > uncaught bugs and this was followed by a flurry of bug fix releases. I > understand that this is because there are not enough people testing > trunk. > > Given that web2py is supposed to be an enterprise web framework, I > wonder if it will be better if stable release versions are identified, > so that existing users of web2py can do upgrades without having > serious worries about breakage. Or are there some existing practices > that existing web2py users have to address such issues?