On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 7:25 PM, pbreit <pbreitenb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry but this requires a response.

I was kind of hoping it did not, but there you go...

> You'd have to prove some sort of unintended circumstance to

No! YOU would have to give us a CONCRETE case where GPL+exception
setup may prevent someone adopting and using web2py. Otherwise, this
discussions previous conclusion (and that's that GPLv2 or GPLv3 will
be used in conjunction with a clearer, more precise exception clause)
still stands, and you may contribute usefully by answering Massimo's

"If you guys can come up with a better way to phrase the [exception
clause], and there is consensus, I will probably adopt it. I think we
all agree with the intended intentions.If you guys can come up with a
better way to phrase the license, and there is consensus, I will
probably adopt it. I think we all agree with the intended intentions."

That's the new topic right now, and please do not try to divert it
back to what's been already discussed for probably too long.

Branko Vukelić


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Gimp Brushmakers Guild

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