Before I dive into analysing the proposed licence changes in detail,
let me remind you one important thing: we are talking here about web
applications. Most of the time these applications are not distributed
as installable software but are deployed on servers. That is, the
distribution does not take place at all, the software is just use on
the server. So let's make this distinction very, very clear here. There
are two scenarios:
1) I write a web app for a client and *use* it (run) on a server
2) I write a web app and *distribute* it to a client so that he can run
it himself

In first scenario, as GPL allows me to *use* the software for any
purpose I can mix it with my proprietary code. Not only the application
code but I can even change the web2py code, as GPL allows me
to *modify* the software to my needs. I don't distribute any of my code
and I'm not required to provide it source code to anyone. This would be
the case only if web2py would be covered by AGPL [1].

In the second scenario, as long as you choose to *distribute* your
code, it has to be released on a GPL compatible terms (note, not a GPL
itself!) as it makes use of GPL modules (web2py). You could argue that
a web application is separated from the framework, but in fact the code
of both is run by the same process and shares several data structures
in memory (see [2-4]). According to GPL this constitutes a derived
work. Note, however, that the code distribution on GPL terms only
happens between me and my client (she gets the freedom to modify and
distribute it under the same license) and I don't have to create a
website and put the application code for everybody in the world to

Yet, web2py does not use the verbatim GPL but adds 2 special exceptions
to it [6]:
1) applications written for web2py are not considered derivative works
as long as they do not share web2py code
2) I can distribute the unmodified web2py binary with my application as
long as it is properly attributed

Now, if for some reason I want to *distribute* my web application to a
client (not *use*/deploy it on a server) in a binary form without
providing the source code (i.e. in a GPL incompatible way) I can do it
because such a special permission from the web2py author have been
granted (and GPL allows such exceptions [7]).

So as you see, the GPL alone as well as the special case of licensing
of web2py and application written for it is quite complex. I believe we
all would benefit from having all this explained in a separate section
of the website, to avoid confusion.

> 1) all web2py/*.py and web2py/gluon/*py files are LPGL

OK, now, how does the LGPL differs from the GPL? It allows a library to
be linked to proprietary applications. It "lessens" the GPL's
requirement of the derivative work to be distributed on GPL compatible
terms. It only requires distribution of the library source code and
permission to link new/modified versions of the library (including
allowance of reverse engineering to debug this) [8]. In essence it
works very similar to current GPL with exceptions.

There are 2 differences though. First, minor, the binary distribution
of LGPL code has to be accompanied with source. Second, major, parts of
the web2py code such as DAL could be used independently on LGPL terms,
while now they are covered by GPL so that non-free derivatives of DAL
are not allowed.

"Proprietary software developers, seeking to deny the free competition
an important advantage, will try to convince authors not to contribute
libraries to the GPL-covered collection. For example, they may appeal
to the ego, promising 'more users for this library' if we let them use
the code in proprietary software products. Popularity is tempting, and
it is easy for a library developer to rationalize the idea that
boosting the popularity of that one library is what the community needs
above all." [9]

"The goal of the GPL is to grant everyone the freedom to copy,
redistribute, understand, and modify a program. If you could
incorporate GPL-covered software into a non-free system, it would have
the effect of making the GPL-covered software non-free too." [10]

And I believe this is a major point in the discussion. Special
privileges for distribution of the application code is one thing, and
allowing proprietary derivative works of the framework itself is
another. To be honest I don't see any benefits of such a licence change.

> 2) all web2py/gluon/contrib/* files are LGPL unless specified
otherwise (MIT or BSD are possible for third party contributions)
> 3) the official web2py binaries for Mac and Windows are freeware
> 4) the scaffolding app is public domain except for images/css/js
files which may have their own licenses.

This is what we currently have, with except to LGPL for files in
contrib, so I guess there is not much to discuss here. As long as
contrib files are optional and their licence is GPL compatible,
everything is fine here. Binaries under the GPL exception are
effectively freeware. And the template app will work best as public
domain as the licensing issues won't get in the way. It might be good
though to explicitly state the permissions (e.g. as in CC0 [11])as in
some countries such as France, work can't be put into the public domain


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