Don't start this discussion again. :) It's already soft-of decided
that web2py will remain GPL.

On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 1:36 PM, Wikus van de Merwe
<> wrote:
> Why GPL is discouraging users? Is it the case that Drupal, Wordpress
> or Joomla have no users? They are all released on GPL terms. Moreover,
> they consider themes and plugins to be derivative work and as such
> they have to be released on GPL terms if distributed. Still, thousands
> of plugins and themes have been made.
> Pay close attention here, *if* distributed. In common web development
> scenario where expected end product is the working web application
> deployed on some server, the application code is not distributed but
> simply used and doesn't have to be released on GPL terms. In those
> rare cases where client specifically require the source code as she
> wants to deploy the application on her own, you release the code on
> GPL terms but to her only. She paid for it's creation anyway right?
> And with web2py, thanks to exceptions, you don't even have to do that.
> Application code is not considered to be a derivative work. But
> changes to the framework and works build on top of it are (that is,
> *if* distributed). So again, you can have your own specialised version
> of web2py running on some servers, but you cannot make a proprietary
> fork of web2py. And this will be allowed by non-copyleft licences such
> as modified BSD licence or X11 licence.
> Now, those who would benefit from a proprietary fork are not the
> users. And in that sense, by not allowing the community fragmentation
> around a number of different less or more commercial oriented forks
> the GPL helps to create a good framework, as it keeps the community
> together.
> So as I just showed to you, GPL is a non-issue for the users and
> protects the freedom of the framework much better than non-copyleft
> licences would. Your only argument being "the other Python frameworks
> use non-copyleft licences" is not convincing. Statistic != merit.

Branko Vukelić

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