On Monday, December 13, 2010 1:39:57 PM UTC+11, Branko Vukelic
wrote:Since someone mentioned linking, etc, here's an exceprt from the
Q. Does prelinking a GPLed binary to various libraries on the system,
to optimize its performance, count as modification?

A. No. Prelinking is part of a compilation process; it doesn't
introduce any license requirements above and beyond what other aspects
of compilation would. If you're allowed to link the program to the
libraries at all, then it's fine to prelink with them as well. If you
distribute prelinked object code, you need to follow the terms of
section 6.

I think this answers the original question. You do not violate GPL by
having import statements in your code, as you can safely detach your
code from web2py and reattach to another copy running somewhere else.

No I'll think you find it doesn't imply what you think it does.

The prelinking case being talked about as I understand it is where a
pre existing non GPL library exists with some published public
interface and where someone comes along and writes a GPL variant of the
library which adheres to the same published public interface such that
the GPL library could be used in place of the original library by
prelinking it instead of the original so as to provide a better
performing implementation.

This is an entirely different situation to use of 'import' statements
in Python as in this case the original API was a public API and not an
API which is covered by the GPL which is effectively the case with

If I remember correctly, there was a specific case where there once
existed a library which was under the GPL and so the API itself,
including structure definitions, was effectively covered by the GPL.
There were then some issues when some people tried to replace the GPL
library with a non GPL version and implement against that instead, so
as to specifically get around that a application written against the
original GPL library implementation was then covered by the GPL. In
other words they were trying to trigger the clause above in reverse,
but because the GPL library existed first it was seen as trying to
circumvent the GPL.

As such, you can't rely on what you quote above. The only way is an
exception statement to the GPL and even then that would need to be very
carefully worded. In all this you really need a lawyer to look at the
situation and draft that exception. If that hasn't been done and some
legal evidence provided to show that the way the exception is done is
valid and will stand up in a court of law, it is very easy to see why
companies, who are going to be very risk averse, would be hesitant to
use software that relies on the GPL but with some sort of stated
exception where the latter is of unknown validity and with no legal
precedent to support it.

On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 3:08 AM, Branko Vukelic <bg.b...@gmail.com>
> http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0097742/
> On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 2:01 AM, mdipierro <mdip...@cs.depaul.edu>
>> Yes. The GPL prevents users from make a CLOSED SOURCE better
>> derivative of the framework. That is exactly what this community
>> to protect against. That is something that can kill an open source
>> project and the reason GPL was invented.
>> This discussion has nothing to do with users who are not affected.
>> Please contact me privately about what you want to do. Perhaps you
>> need a special license. Depending on what you need to do I may
>> such license to you.
>> Massimo
>> On Dec 12, 6:53 pm, pbreit <pbreit...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >> But as you say, BSD/MIT are better for users.
>>> > He didn't say that.
>>> He said it prevents users from making a better derivative.
>>> My apologies to the community and Massimo for be-laboring the point
>>> I think it's unfortunate that the license alone is discouraging use
>>> the framework. I'm very close to selecting Web2py for a large,
>>> project but am having my doubts.
> --
> Branko Vukelić
> bg.b...@gmail.com
> stu...@brankovukelic.com
> Check out my blog: http://www.brankovukelic.com/
> Check out my portfolio: http://www.flickr.com/photos/foxbunny/
> Registered Linux user #438078 (http://counter.li.org/)
> I hang out on identi.ca: http://identi.ca/foxbunny
> Gimp Brushmakers Guild
> http://bit.ly/gbg-group

Branko Vukelić


Check out my blog: http://www.brankovukelic.com/
Check out my portfolio: http://www.flickr.com/photos/foxbunny/
Registered Linux user #438078 (http://counter.li.org/)
I hang out on identi.ca: http://identi.ca/foxbunny

Gimp Brushmakers Guild

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