On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 4:53 AM, LightDot <light...@gmail.com> wrote:
> and all), but I've never seen it or done it.

Which is also the point of MIT. And exactly why massimo insists on
GPL, which forbids this.

> So if the end result is the same (one can freely produce open or closed
> source applications, modules, etc.), i'm all for the GPLv2 license. It is
> clearly better for the community.

There's a difference between GPLv2 and Massimo. Massimo specifically
allows creating closed-source software that runs on web2py despite the
possibility that GPL itself may not necessarily allow this. Regardless
of the conclusion of this GPL agenda, the bottom line is you are free
to create closed-source web2py apps (as long as you don't publish
binary-only web2py modifications, that is). ;)

Branko Vukelić


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