> On Oct 21, 12:03 pm, Iceberg <iceb...@21cn.com> wrote:
> > It is a little bit surprising and happy to see these error_message
> > draw enough attention. :-)  So is it time to also consider my proposal
> > more than one month before?  
> > http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_frm/thread/8cbe658406be595f
> > That way, we don't even have to adjust the default error_message to
> > please everyone. Instead we provide a good way to customize the
> > error_message whenever wanted.
> > What do you think?

On Oct 22, 1:13 am, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> Yes but.
> This is my I normally do:
> not_empty=IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message=T('doh!'))
> db.table.field1.requires=not_empty
> db.table.field2.requires=not_empty
> so no problem with DRY.
> My objection in the thread was not on your idea in principle but on
> the fact that T does not exist until the app is called. I would not
> know how to pass T to the validators without a mechanism of hidden
> hooks and I would rather avoid that.
> Perhaps you can propose a specific possible implementation that I have
> not thought of.
> We should also consider that IF T had been hard coded in validators
> now the proposed change in error messages would not be backward
> compatible since it would break translations.
> Massimo

Sure when you are using IS_NOT_EMPTY you can use one instance for all,
so no problem with DRY. But, when you are using IS_IN_DB,
IS_NOT_IN_DB, IS_IN_SET, etc, you are using different instances so we
DO need some approach to internationalize or localize the
error_message, in a DRY manner.

And yes, T can not be called inside validators.py, but at least we can
provide a way to customize it inside model or controller. That is why
my second suggestion in my earlier thread, and I don't think it breaks
backward compatibility. Quote that again as below.

    class IS_NOT_IN_DB(...):
       error_message = 'value already in database' # class wide
       def __init__(self,
         if not error_message:
            self.error_message = error_message

so in app's model file we can:
  IS_NOT_IN_DB.error_message = T('value already in database!') #

Same proposal applies to all other validators.

By the way, based on above suggestion, we can even add one more trick
into the scaffold "welcome" app, a file named models/i18n.py, which
  IS_NOT_IN_DB.error_message = T('value already in database')
  IS_IN_DB.error_message = T('value not in database')
That is kind of "how to pass T to the validators without a mechanism
of hidden hooks".

Is it any better?

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