
Understand your viewpoint as well. Documentation is a 4 part process -
create, edit, format, distribute. reST is excellent on the last 2
points and bordering on sad on the first two.


Might look into your suggestion. Been a year since I have used Lyx but
it was reasonably proficient as I recall. Have you actually tried the
conversion? Would be interesting to see if it hammers anything in

The Enthought editor is interesting. The writer is still doing the
markup tho'.

I just find it interesting that 50yrs on with what is supposed to be
the 'advances' in SGML, DTDs, namespaces, et. al we have not reached a
point where a set of interchangeable formatters for the editor(s) are
not drop in affairs.


On Jul 20, 4:04 pm, Yarko Tymciurak <yark...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Sphinx + reST is what Pycon chose for some reasons.  T
> sorry - meant to say Python...  (e.g. docs.python.org, etc. ... as well as
> numpy, and on and on...)
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