I agree with Massimo on the bellow points about framework competition.

On Jul 17, 3:06 pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> On Jul 17, 4:15 pm, Bottiger <bottig...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Since no one else completed, web2py didn't get recognized at the 
> > > conference
> > You also forgot to mention that no one else *competed*.
> This is an old wound and we should let it alone. But to get the fact
> straight. At Flourish 2008 a number of people were invited to compete
> in building app with their framework. There was no sign in process.
> You only had to pick up the rules and had 24hrs to deliver. Lots of
> people were on the mailing list. I have seen 4 people picking up the
> rules representing different frameworks, but people could pick them up
> anytime so there may have been more. We were not required to work
> there (which I though was odd since I was expecting some supervision)
> so everybody left. I decided to work there instead. I was the only one
> to deliver something which is not quite the same as saying that I was
> the only one to participate. It should be noted that in the days
> before the event we (the 10 people people who said they were going to
> participate) we were told this was going to last 4hrs and start on
> Sunday. I received an email on Saurday morning (while I was at the
> office in a meeting) saying the rules had changed and they were
> starting immediately. I protested. Other people did. So they agreed to
> count the 24hrs from the moment people would pick up the rules. It was
> a mess. Ian Bicking was there. Ask him.
> > Now it may very well be true that Web2Py is quicker to develop. When I
> > look at the code, it does seem shorter and cleaner, but I can still
> > program the same thing faster in Django than I can in Web2Py because:
> I do not think Django is our competitor. Django is our friend. If
> people have already chosen Django I do not see much of a reason to
> move to web2py. I think we should go after PHP and .NET and J2EE
> users. Show them how life could be better.
> > 1. I learned it a while ago first.
> > 2. The free Django documentation is much better than the Web2Py one.
> Java has more documentation than Django because it needs it. The same
> applies to the Django documentation vs web2py. I am in the process of
> revising the book and with the exception of CRUD, AUTH and services,
> It is amazing how everything else in the book is there and current.
> > Again, this goes back to my point that Web2Py will remain in 2nd place
> > until its benefits are larger than its learning curve. Fortunately for
> > me, I have not sunk too much time into Django and I have had the time
> > to see where it is better than Django. However the majority of people
> > are not so fortunate.
> Again, if you are a Django enthusiast and you spent time learning it I
> see very little advantage in learning web2py. On the other side if you
> have not learned Django yet, web2py will be easier to learn. In the
> long run web2py does more stuff for you out of the box than Django
> does. Except the Django admin looks much better than the web2py
> appadmin.
> > Being easy to develop is good, but at the same time it can come with a
> > cost. It produces a bunch of unpolished apps that the public sees and
> > becomes immediately turned off. Here are a few examples that I found
> > on Reddit and Google:
> >http://www2.un.int/-Broken pictures everywhere.
> That is a Django app not a web2py app. It was working fine until 2yrs
> ago when my team of students released any access to the application.
> It is still working fine considering propably has had no maintenance
> since. BTW all pages but the frontpage are dynamic.
> > This is not to say that being easy to develop is bad. But it does say
> > that Web2Py is not so easy compared to Django that we can rely on it
> > to set us apart.
> Once I again, 1% of the J2EE market share or 10% of the PHP share are
> both better than 100% of the Django market share.
> Massimo
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