I would add one more thing to my list (below):

On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 5:33 PM, Yarko Tymciurak <yark...@gmail.com> wrote:

> If you've never looked at this video, please do - it's about 1/2 hour but
> worth the time (I just took it in pieces over the afternoon).
> From my notes:
> In this test, web2py would have came out on top (and understandably so).
> Opportunities for web2py (based on observing this video):
>    - docs
>    - (nothing you didn't already know, but note: django in this version
>       rated fair on docs because there were no books yet, so this is a
>       stage-of-development thing; AND there actually already is good 
> documentation
>       - the book; only it's not free, and you may not be thrilled about that 
> - but
>       it is good, works, and is there; and there's more in the works)
>    - Legacy Database Interface
>       - we get a lot of request for this, and this video just validates
>       that those are reasonable and valid requests.
>       - automatic database reflection is possible (to an extent; proved by
>       and within the limits SQLAlchemy already does, and probably others;)
>       - mapping existing db names to DAL naming conventions needed ....
>       this may come up in new DAL; if not, we can probably do this (first) in 
> a
>       contrib package;  the most obvious use is mappind to ID, but any 
> relevant db
>       name needs to map to (e.g. names starting with "_").  This is all 
> do-able,
>       given time.
>       - I would also like a manual version of migrations... for me the
>       most appealing aspect of making the "automatic" atomic such that it can 
> be
>       manually controlled is the potential for inspecting prior to migration, 
> and
>       with that manual, human discernment, have the potential for rollback.  
> This
>       seems appealing in the real world.
>    -
>    - Full text search
>       - I have no idea what the state of this is, but know that having it,
>       and having it easy for an application to add / use will be great;
>    - Skinning
>       - This means not changing the template language elements of a
>       particular site in order to get a different look
>       - We can get to this, with some conventions.  Seems 2 rough places:
>       CSS standard names for basic layout elements will facilitate;   jPolite 
> kind
>       of layout, with look-and-feel for content frames seems to me the second
>       part.
>       - I have no idea what this means for Flash/Flex UI's, but suspect
>       this is an entirely separate ballgame.
> Everything else, I'm pleased to say, web2py already excels in quite well,
> thank you - and even more....
> Not from this video, but my own observations:
>    - C-DAL
>       - We have some interplay with Google's big tables from DAL, but the
>       "fit" is partial, less than ideal (though still workable).
>       - My personal opinion has been (and is growing in conviction) that a
>       Column oriented DAL, that is abstracting things specific to Big Tables,
>       Cassandra (Facebook), and other prime users (I don't think couchDB falls
>       into this bucket; I'm not sure what Amazon S3 is exactly - is it a 
> column
>       oriented thing too? - it's not advertised)  I see that Apache Hadoop 
> can be
>       hosted on S3, so my suggestion for an initial abstraction experiment is 
> Big
>       Tables, Cassandra, and Hadoop.
>       - Over time (and with experience) it will be interesting to see what
>       overlap / abstraction synergy between C-DAL and R-DAL (relational - the
>       current DAL; I just want a way to distinquish them).  It would be nice 
> to
>       have a common DAL with abstractions that fit well in both (sort of what 
> we
>       have now, only less skewed towards relational, and perhaps better
>       cenetered), and ability to move to either R-DAL or C-DAL to get more
>       performance / feature control into either domain.
> Lots of fun ahead, even without "many changes" - there are enough to keep
> things nicely interesting.
> And notice:  none of what is layed out here breaks or affects backward
> compatibility - it's all forward motion, enhance / extend.
> - Yarko
> On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 11:21 AM, Yarko Tymciurak <yark...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Ach!  Yes that's it - JPL - It was from Sean Kelly who's video starts with
>> him working at NOAA:
>> http://oodt.jpl.nasa.gov/better-web-app.mov
>> On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 7:42 AM, weheh <richard_gor...@verizon.net>wrote:
>>> -----
>>> all the rest of this is smack-dab peachy:  I'll remind you of one
>>> thing -
>>> there was a website, guy from NOAA I think it was - that showed all
>>> the
>>> frameworks that claimed to have something;  he tried building
>>> something
>>> simple with them and uncovered all the flaws and gotchas and try to
>>> say
>>> "here's what I would (wouldn't) want to build with".... most things
>>> just
>>> took a long time...
>>> -----
>>> Actually, it was a guy from JPL as I recall. In fact, watching his
>>> screencast is exactly what got me started looking at frameworks and
>>> CMSs. One thing led to the next and I found Django. And then I watched
>>> a video of one of Django's developers and he said something like this:
>>> "... Django's templataing language is different from python because
>>> it's made for page designers. Page designers don't write programs and
>>> programmers don't design pages."
>>> That is exactly what lost me for Django. Then I found web2py and the
>>> rest is history.
>>> I agree wholeheartedly with MDP's observation of the 80:20 rule.
>>> However, I find that web2py is an exception. On my first web2py app I
>>> probably used 90-95% of the features of web2py. On the next app, it
>>> will be 100%. Interestingly, my plate will be clean AND my appetite
>>> sated. There is nothing extraneous in web2py that I can discern.
>>> Web2py's niche is that one person of reasonable skill can develop a
>>> sophisticated enterprise web application in minimal time with minimal
>>> effort. This is because of its 3Cs: consistency, completeness, and
>>> conciseness.
>>> >>>

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