On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 10:47 AM, Paul Eden <benchl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I do like the idea of the Sphinx site as well.
> - it looks great and is easy to setup.
> - It is not hard to update, just check out the source and update the reST
> source.
> After reading what Yarko said, in my mind, the only missing feature Sphinx
> would be user-contributed comments.

Yes!!! Yes!!!!   In fact, this is what I like about

and have thought, and talked in the past w/ those who wrote this one-off.

Other possiblities:

   - rietveld like reviews, but for the document (Guido's tool which runs on
   appspot; it's a django app, an could be ported and adapted perhaps - I
   haven't look at it enough to form an opinion, but know that for Android /
   Google project, they are using a java (!) modified version of rietveld -
   gerrit2;  so I think we could do something like this -- there are potential
   code submisstion process that this could extent to for web2py; for example,
   Android only allows "push" into repostory by the review tool, when there is
   review by team, and signoff by section owners; )
   - wiki like submission of changes (text only versioning and viewing) to
   the "source" pages right from sphinx - this, tied with a review tool might
   be the best way to have a "live" sphinx project in the beginning.

> - The reason I say that is that http://www.php.net/docs is one of the most
> useful documentation sites I have every seen.  I know just where to find
> everything I need there.  It's too bad we don't have something like that we
> can use for web2py.

Thanks for the link.  In my mind, this blog-comment style (at first glance)
seems too busy.

>   - In my mind that site has 3 main advantages.
>      1. All of the documentation is there in one place.

I think all the main documentation in one place is a good thing;  I think
carrying to "all documentation" - taking it too far could make it less

>      2. It is well organized in a tree/folder structure like Sphinx.
>      3. It has user-contributed comments.  This is crucial in my mind
> because many times when coding in PHP (at work) I find what I need to know
> in the comments.  And it stays organized because the comments are all having
> to do with the official documentation listed above them (or other comments).
> Just more ideas.
> Paul

Thanks Paul!


> On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 11:09 PM, Yarko Tymciurak <yark...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 6:48 PM, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu>wrote:
>>> I do not like the idea of things moving out of the wiki and never
>>> coming back. Things will always need small updates and that it
>>> critical.
>> Small updates can happen in Wiki;  when stable, they can happen in Sphinx
>> I think this is no problem - sphinx can always be updated; it just will not
>> be the same way as a wiki.
>>> We can start with that but then we need to build a web interface
>>> directly to the sphinx docs.
>> This will be some challenge, since sphinx builds indexes and cross
>> references on entire doc... you will be rebuilding all indexes with any
>> edit?
>> Aside from the technical challenges, this then will not be documentation
>> in the form of a book, which stabilizes, gets reviewed, etc.
>> I think if you want a wiki for everybody to easily contribute their
>> learnings, then a wiki is fine.
>> If you want dependable, readable, consistent documentation, like many,
>> many other projects do - Python not the least of them, then what is the
>> basis of what you "do not like"?
>>  In any case, I am not for this.   There are
>> some interesting possibilities to live sphinx, but even then, the concept of
>> submitted vs. reviewed vs. published changes is (in my mind) important, and
>> differentiates this in a fundamental and important way from a wiki.
>> A wiki is useful and important;  it is also quite different than a
>> document.
>> I am not interested in participating in degenerating a form - whose aim is
>> to generate a reliable, consistent, readable document - into a printed
>> version of a wiki, although you can do that (I just am not interested).
>> People like your book because you _owned_ the contents, even with the
>> contributions of others, and that meant a consistency which made it
>> readable, consistent and therefore useful.
>> If you want a wiki, then you don't need sphinx - google searches over wiki
>> pages will suffice.
>> I am interested in the document concept, and think a wiki is a good ground
>> for tilling the material which stabilizes into something worthy of being
>> part of a coherent form (not to diminish by any means the utility of what is
>> in a wiki - it just is a different form, and a different result - it is also
>> more accesible to contributors, and that is good).
>> We have had this discussion enough times.   Wiki away.  I will contribute
>> to the wiki too at times.
>> Let me know if you're interested in the process of creating a community
>> written book; in that I would be more interested.
>> Regards,
>> Yarko
>>> Massimo
>>> On Feb 27, 6:36 pm, Yarko Tymciurak <yark...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 1:31 PM, Paul Eden <benchl...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> > > +1 I like these ideas.
>>> >
>>> > > One thing I would add.
>>> >
>>> > > If we do have a wiki and sphinx in source control then we should have
>>> one
>>> > > place where users can search through *both* places.
>>> >
>>> > > That way they don't have to look through one and then look through
>>> the
>>> > > other to find answers.
>>> >
>>> > Well - by nature, this would be a diode -> that is, a one way door:
>>> >
>>> > So I can imagine how the wiki, when a page / topic gets mature and
>>> migrates
>>> > to the sphinx will point to that.  But the sphinx will not point back
>>> (in
>>> > the case the wiki has new, not yet in sphinx updates).
>>> >
>>> > Which raises an interesting point:
>>> >
>>> > Maintenance  of sphinx sources should be concerned with evlolving,
>>> > improving, and doing "book like" changes (cross references).  New ideas
>>> or
>>> > more than slow evolutions / additions should still happen in the wiki.
>>> >
>>> > I see the wiki as being public enough and encouraging input from
>>> broader
>>> > population, so it _should_ go through the chaos->settling  steps for a
>>> given
>>> > topic;   the sphinx place should be like the cask - the place where
>>> what
>>> > happens is mostly mellowing (or polishing / nice diagrams, so forth).
>>> >
>>> > Having said that - Massimo called for a general organization of the
>>> Wiki
>>> > into gross topic areas (as I understood).
>>> >
>>> > If we agree on that, then the sphinx sources can easily reference the
>>> areas
>>> > from which they came;  the wiki then should make it easy to spot any
>>> new
>>> > things...
>>> >
>>> > Would this satisfy your request, or did you have something more in
>>> mind?
>>> >
>>> > Yarko
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > > Paul
>>> >
>>> > > On  Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 11:06 AM, Yarko Tymciurak <
>>> yark...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> >
>>> > >> I haven't fully thought about this yet, but in general -
>>> > >> Wiki == freeform idea collection;  I agree that some structure to
>>> begin
>>> > >> and guide is good;
>>> >
>>> > >> Good place for transient information;
>>> >
>>> > >> I would think once content is in a sphinx doc (and I agree
>>> completely w/
>>> > >> source control - much like what the Python 3 Patterns book is
>>> following)  it
>>> > >> should be pulled form the wiki (maybe a final revision referring to
>>> the
>>> > >> "published" page, and then new updates maintained in sphinx doc).
>>> >
>>> > >> This will prevent the considerable problem of diverging
>>> documentation ("I
>>> > >> documented it here; Oh! Look - there's something similar, but a
>>> little
>>> > >> different here - which is right? which is current?")
>>> >
>>> > >> Perhaps a feedback look from sphinx would be useful (we organized
>>> best w/
>>> > >> these sections, so we now re-organize the wiki to - at least at a
>>> high level
>>> > >> - match).
>>> >
>>> > >> Anyway,  I have an idea, I don't know where to put it, I want to
>>> share it
>>> > >> --- this is definitely wiki space, and others can add / update....
>>> >
>>> > >> Just rambling thoughts during lunch...
>>> >
>>> > >> Yarko
>>> >
>>> > >> On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 9:27 AM, cjparsons <cjparso...@yahoo.co.uk
>>> >wrote:
>>> >
>>> > >>> > Use the wiki for the initial gathering of doc pages, then after
>>> the
>>> > >>> > first sphinx-based documentation is produced,  just clean the
>>> wiki of
>>> > >>> > those pages.  After that, just use the wiki for contributed
>>> recipes
>>> > >>> > and other pages, some of which are selectively migrated to
>>> sphinx.
>>> > >>> > Keep the changes due to new releases in sphinx only.
>>> >
>>> > >>> > Just asking.
>>> > >>> +1. Once the accepted documentation is there I think we need to
>>> keep
>>> > >>> the wiki to recipies so as not to confuse new users as to where to
>>> > >>> look for the greatest information. I know I found having the draft
>>> > >>> manual, alter ego, cookbook, source code etc. to look at for
>>> answers
>>> > >>> quite confusing (though more is better than less, obviously).
>>> >
>>> > > --
>>> > > Best Regards,
>>> >
>>> > > Paul Eden
>>> >
>>> > > "...and a little looking out for the other guy too."
>>> > > - Mr. Smith
> --
> Best Regards,
> Paul Eden
> "...and a little looking out for the other guy too."
> - Mr. Smith
> >

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