On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 5:53 AM, chris p <chrispri...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I think if you treat the documentation as a built deliverable with
> reST source files, and handle contributions, revisions, etc through
> source control. This makes it dead-simple to couple doc revisions with
> the web2py source itself, something that is otherwise complicated if
> you try to build doc with a live-wiki. I've not gone through every
> one, but I think you'd find most if not all of the projects in
> http://sphinx.pocoo.org/examples.html take this approach.


> Having a wiki is still good.... it's great for code recipes and quick
> doc on new features, news, areas that are rapidly changing, etc. But I
> think having a dedicated set of sources for the documentation would
> result in a better organized, more coherent set of final docs. And the
> wiki can stil have links to HTML pages generated from the doc source.
> I have yet to really see a project with wiki-based documentation that
> did not seem somewhat scattered.



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