The device will still be available in linux, it is managed via  ib_uverbs
by dpdk.  Thats why it is required to have ib_uverbs, mlx5_core, mlx5_ib
modules required .


On Fri, Jul 8, 2022 at 9:37 PM Dave Houser <> wrote:

> OK I am not sure what combination got everything to work but the
> interfaces are showing up now in vppctl!
> also rdma commands work as well.
> I think it was a combination of the following:
>    1. git clone the repo
>    2. edit build/external/packages/,
>       1. turn the following to "y"
>       2. Set DPDK_MLX_IBV_LINK to static
>    3. make make wipe-release;make build-release
>    4. make pkg-deb
>    5. sudo dpkg -i build-root/*.deb
>    6. Create conf file without comments (optinal)
>       1. sudo cp /etc/vpp/startup.conf /etc/vpp/startup.conf.original;
>       cat /etc/vpp/startup.conf | grep -v "^#.*" | grep -v ".*#.*" | awk 'NF' 
> >
>       /etc/vpp/startup.conf
>       2. edit the file and add your dpdk interfaces make sure to add the
>       dpdk section
>    7. restart vpp
> I suppose the only question I have is how is it possible the dpdk
> interfaces are showing up in vpp?
> I ask this as the interfaces I configured in startup.conf are still linked
> to the kernel and up. However they still show up in vpp as interfaces. If I
> deactivate the interfaces, unbind from the kernel, and bind to dpdk, then
> restart vpp, then they dont show up. Is this expected?
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