I was able to `mke pkg-dep` and `sudo dpkg -i build-root/*.deb`, however after 
install when running vpp service and checking logs I see the following:


$ sudo vpp show logs

mlx5_common: Cannot load glue library: 
 cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

mlx5_common: Cannot initialize MLX5 common due to missing run-time dependency 
on rdma-core libraries (libibverbs, libmlx5)

vlib_call_all_config_functions: unknown input `show logs'

Its not clear to me from these instructions ( 
) if I need to do anything after `make build`. Here is the output after make 
build completes

-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: 
@@@@ Building vpp in /home/ubuntu/vpp/vpp/build-root/build-vpp_debug-native/vpp 
[2498/2498] Linking C shared library 
@@@@ Installing vpp @@@@
[0/1] Install the project...
-- Install configuration: "debug"
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/ubuntu/vpp/vpp/build-root'
Did it install? Do I need to create a deb package instead? Will my dpdk.mk 
changes be used in the `make pkg-deb`

I read this post ( https://lists.fd.io/g/vpp-dev/topic/77247865#17634 ) seems 
other have had the same issue. @Matt you stated

> "Yeah, it seems so. Either build configurations need to be updated to
> install the glue libraries or you might be able to change
> ibverbs_link=dlopen to ibverbs_link=static."

I adjusted build/external/packages/dpdk.mk, DPDK_MLX_IBV_LINK ?=static, then 
ran make pkg-deb, and installed but I get the same error. It seems DPDK is not 
linking, is there any fix for this? I am fine with using RDMA, however my 
previous post shows the commands just dont work.

Any recommendations on next steps?
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