Hi Matt,

These are Mellanox ConnectX6 Nics.

Looking at the logs more I found these two lines:


$vppctl show logs

2022/07/07 17:14:19:050 notice     dpdk           EAL init args: -c 2 -n 4 
--in-memory --no-telemetry --file-prefix vpp -a 0000:41:00.6 -a 0000:41:01.6 
--main-lcore 1

2022/07/07 17:14:19:161 notice     dpdk           DPDK drivers found no 
Ethernet devices...


I just found this post ( https://lists.fd.io/g/vpp-dev/topic/87800334#20646 ) 
in the mailing list. I assume this is my issue. I did not compile from source / 
configure appropriately. (I followed these instructions here ( 
https://s3-docs.fd.io/vpp/22.10/gettingstarted/installing/index.html ) for how 
to deploy)

Which specific package would I need to compile from source? ( vpp 
vpp-plugin-core vpp-plugin-dpdk)?
Is there any documentation on how to create a RMDA interface? Would an RDMA 
interface be just as efficient as a DPDK interface?

- Dave
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