Hi Dave,

What is the manufacturer & model of the NICs you're trying to use? It's
possible that either VPP's DPDK plugin does not consider them valid or that
the DPDK PMD which is capable of managing them is not built by default.


On Thu, Jul 7, 2022 at 11:12 AM Dave Houser <davehous...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am not able to see my white listed dpdk interfaces in vppctl with `show
> int` or `show hardware`. I did the following to integrate the interfaces.
> - I shutdown the interfaces with `ifconfig`
> `ifconfig enp65s0f6 down`
> `ifconfig enp65s1f6 down`
> - I unbound them from the kernel with dpdk_devbind.py
> `sudo dpdk-devbind.py -b uio_pci_generic 0000:41:01.6`
> `sudo dpdk-devbind.py -b uio_pci_generic 0000:41:01.6`
> - I confirmed the correct interfaces were removed and bound by dpdk
> `ip -br a` (interfaces removed)
> `dpdk-devbind.py --status` (interfaces show up as dpdk bound interfaces)
> - I made sure the interfaces were white listed in my startup.conf
> ```
> unix {
>   nodaemon
>   log /var/log/vpp/vpp.log
>   full-coredump
>   cli-listen /run/vpp/cli.sock
> }
> api-trace {
>   on
> }
> dpdk {
>   dev 0000:41:00.6
>   dev 0000:41:01.6
> }
> ```
> - I restarted vpp
> `systemctl restart vpp`
> - Watched journalctl -fu output
> ```
> Jul 07 15:56:17 host1 systemd[1]: Stopping vector packet processing
> engine...
> Jul 07 15:56:17 host1 vnet[66266]: unix_signal_handler:190: received
> signal SIGCONT, PC 0x7f5f7e426da0
> Jul 07 15:56:17 host1 vnet[66266]: received SIGTERM, exiting...
> Jul 07 15:56:17 host1 vnet[66266]: unix_signal_handler:190: received
> signal SIGCONT, PC 0x7f5f7e426da0
> Jul 07 15:56:17 host1 systemd[1]: Stopped vector packet processing engine.
> Jul 07 15:56:40 host1 systemd[1]: Starting vector packet processing
> engine...
> Jul 07 15:56:40 host1 systemd[1]: Started vector packet processing engine.
> Jul 07 15:56:40 host1 vnet[71758]: dpdk/cryptodev: dpdk_cryptodev_init:
> Failed to configure cryptodev
> ```
> - I accessed vpp
> `vppctl`
> Interfaces never show up. I followed everything in the following guides
> and posts:
> - https://lists.fd.io/g/vpp-dev/topic/10642649
> - https://s3-docs.fd.io/vpp/22.02/configuration/reference.html
> Here is my apt list
> ```
> $sudo apt list | grep vpp
> libvppinfra/bionic,now 21.10.1-release amd64 [installed,automatic]
> libvppinfra-dev/bionic,now 21.10.1-release amd64 [installed,automatic]
> python3-vpp-api/bionic 21.10.1-release amd64
> vpp/bionic,now 21.10.1-release amd64 [installed]
> vpp-api-java/bionic 19.04-release amd64
> vpp-api-lua/bionic 19.01.3-release amd64
> vpp-api-python/bionic 21.01.1-release amd64
> vpp-dbg/bionic,now 21.10.1-release amd64 [installed]
> vpp-dev/bionic,now 21.10.1-release amd64 [installed]
> vpp-ext-deps/bionic 19.04-16 amd64
> vpp-lib/bionic 19.01.3-release amd64
> vpp-plugin-core/bionic,now 21.10.1-release amd64 [installed]
> vpp-plugin-dpdk/bionic,now 21.10.1-release amd64 [installed]
> vpp-plugins/bionic 19.01.3-release amd64
> ```
> What am I missing? Why does vpp refuses to recognize my dpdk interfaces?
> Note: these are SRIOV vf interfaces, but I dont think that matter does it?
> - Dave
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