naa, now you are mixing some things....

THe sourcecodecorner link is for advanced users and unix systemadmins that
know something about what they are doing. It needs to have the basic vnc
setup running or at least able to run.

See below for some details on your message.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Neale [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 3:05 PM
> Subject: RE: Java client setup.
> I have tried to set up gnome as the xserver for vnc as 
> directed in the url
> below, but all I get is "failed to connect to server"

???. Gnome as Xserver ???
Let's just forget on gnome at this point.

> If I try "xserver :0" I get the following message. "A VNC 
> server is already
> running as :0"

What `xserver :0`,  do you mean `vncserver :0`? IF so, just use an other
number. Say `vncserver :3`. Then you can open a vncviewer to "
<nodename>:3". On the other hand, If you don't specify a display number, the
`vncserver` script will find you a free one and report the number.

The message should say "a vncserver or other X server is already running as
:0" Generally, there is a X server at the console which defaults to :0.
Since Xvnc (the core of vncserver) uses the X11 protocol at the unix side,
it needs a free port in that range too. If no dedicated ports for the X11
protocol is given, it defaults to the same display number as for the vnc
viewer. The only difference is the base: 6000 for the X11 protocol, 5900 for
the rfb (==vnc) protocol (and 5800 for the html/java server). If one of the
ports is occupied, Xvnc will fail.

> I can telnet to the port, and I have checked the XDMPC.

What port? What do you get? For the rfb protocol, it should say "RFB 003
003" or something.

> Everything seems to be working, but I still cannot connect to 
> the machine.
> Any help will be much appreciated.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Beerse, Corni" [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 05 April 2002 12:09 PM
> Subject: RE: Java client setup.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > Sorry I should have told you the OS as well.
> > I am using Slackware 8 (Sorry I'm a bit of a novice still), 
> I want to
> > convert all W32 (NT) to Linux eventually. VNC servers are all on NT
> > and I use the browser exclusively to contact these servers. Thanks
> > for all the
> > advice so far I'll be trying to get this working this weekend.
> Keep in mind, the difference between WinVNC (all M$Windows 
> variants) and
> Xvnc (all unix variants, including linux). WinVNC only allows 
> 1 server per
> machine, serving a copy of the console. Xvnc allows many 
> servers per machine
> but cannot serve a copy of the console!
> THe setup at gives a
login like on the console. If you have time, try that one.


> Kind regards
> Eric
> Serik Associates
> Suite 246, P/Bag X6
> Cascades,   3202
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> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Beerse, Corni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 11:39 AM
> Subject: RE: Java client setup.
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > Do you know how to do the same using KDE Konquerer. I get a java
> > > error : "Java applet not loaded".
> >
> > If you have the HP-UX server too, check if the applet is sent...
> >
> > CBee
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