Hi Jeff,
> What is the 'best' most secure way to communicate w/ VNC Server on a
> network?

IMO the best way would be to have a SSH server on your Windows boxes and 
make a SSH tunnel between each. That way, no unencrypted VNC traffic 
crosses the network.

I can't offer any insights to a SSH windows server - although there is a cygwin 
(sp?) unix port and some commerically available ones too.  There is a thing 
called Stunnel ( http://www.stunnel.org/ ) with versions for *nix and Windows..... 
also there's a thing on that site about making links between too machines using 
stunnel - that would be what you want.

Client side, I've been using Tunnelier this past few weeks and I'm very 
impressed. It's easy to use (GUI) and has command line options if you want to 
do clever clever stufff. You can get it from: http://www.bitvise.com/tunnelier.html 
(free too!!)

Another option would be to use the zVNC development from Dave Dyer. It's a 
windows only version of VNC that includes zebedee compression/encryption on 
port 6000. You could tell VNC to disallow 5900/5800 and only let in secure 
conenctions via 6000.

His page is at : http://people.we.mediaone.net/ddyer/znc/zvnc.html

Hope that helps!


Richard Harris
Environment IT, NCC
Ext 4509

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