On Tue, Feb 05, 2002 at 05:47:07PM -0500, Alex Angelopoulos wrote:
> (2) From what I understand, you make almost anything run over SSH.
> (Take that with a chunk of salt, though - I've only done it with about
> 3 things in the past).

Yes, that's true.  SSH only does TCP port forwarding, not UDP port
forwarding, so some things (like XDMCP or DNS) won't work directly over
port forwarding, but you can also do stuff like running PPP over SSH to
create a VPN.  UDP over IP over PPP over SSH over TCP over IP!  :-)

> (3) As opposed to many other secure connections, it apparently tends
> to do a good job of compressing data.  This is based on the ORL/AT&T
> comments about SSH, not broad personal experience.  I can tell you
> that I found several console sessions I have runs using SSH to remote
> systems to be extremely peppy.

Using TightVNC, I've found that tight encoding over SSH sans compression
is just as good, if not better, than tight encoding over SSH with
compression, which makes sense because both tight encoding and SSH use
zlib compression.  I would expect that SSH's compression would improve
VNC performance when using hextile encoding, but it still probably
wouldn't be as responsive as tight encoding in low bandwidth situations.

Mike Ossmann, Tarantella/UNIX Engineer/Instructor
Alternative Technology, Inc.  http://www.alttech.com/
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