I am behind a country wide firewall.  No ICMP packets can get through and even 
port 119 is blocked.  Ports 20 ,21, 23, 25, 80 and 110 are open, but I'm not 
sure about any others as any port scanner tells me all ports (even 80, 20 and 
21) are blocked, which is clearly not the case, so I guess they are all ICMP 
dependent.  Proxy software being run on the firewall machines can vary - 
mainly mozilla, squid or apache according to VisualRoute reports (of the 
machine that's blocking the ICMP packets).  Can't use UDP (no VOIP or 
streaming real content (except by HTTP)).  Can use HTTPort to get news and IM 
- though they've just opened to messaging.  I'm very keen to use VNC for 
everything from helping my aging technophobic father out with his computer to 
accessing unix based molecular biology databases.  I've tried using HTTPort to 
tunnel, and have also tried using Harmen van der Wal's VNC client (although 
even this required learning more about Java than I knew before - now FA rather 
than its square root) - I get as far as the password screen and then get the 
following error (I give command line syntax with proxies first):

C:\>java -cp 
1\lib\vncviewer.jar vncviewer HOST PORT 5900 PROXYHOST1 
2.99 PROXYPORT1 80
//hw// Using one proxy
//hw// Connect:
//hw// Proxyhost: HTTP/1.0 502 Proxy Error ( Der Zugriffs-Code ist 
ig.  )
        at java.io.DataInputStream.readFully(Unknown Source)
        at java.io.DataInputStream.readFully(Unknown Source)
        at rfbProto.readVersionMsg(rfbProto.java)
        at vncviewer.connectAndAuthenticate(vncviewer.java)
        at vncviewer.run(vncviewer.java)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

So my ignorant questions are:

1) Is it going to be possible to use VNC or should I just give up now?

2) If it is, should Harmen's patched VNC viewer work, and can anyone explain 
the above error message?

3) (off topic - so don't expect any reply to this question really) any 
suggestions as to how I can find out which ports are open so that I can try 
and direct VNC traffic through these?

Thanks a lot for any suggestions you may have.
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