
Connection Freezes, Reopen Shared Mode:

- Initial screen goes black (didn't the second time I tested) and the new
session allows for the cursor to become active again unit it freezes again.
When the cursor freezes this time, an error message appeared:  

RunTime Error:  
  Program D:\Program Files\ORL\VNC\vncviewer.exe 
  Abnormal Program Termination

Note: once this error is encounteredthe first time, the cursor does not
freeze allowing your to restart the session, rather this error is presented
and the session is closed when you click on OK.  This continues until the
workstation is restarted.

Connection Freezes, Reopen Non-Shared Mode:

>From a fresh restart of the workstation - The initial screen is replaced
with the new session and the system works until the session freezes again,
at which point, you can re-initiate the session to continue work.  At this
point I have re-initiated the session up to 5 times always regaining control
without error.  

It should be noted that after getting the runtime error in Shared mode, when
I re-initiated the session in non-shared mode, and the system subsequently
froze, the runtime error was presented.

Hope this gives more clarification to the situation.

Thanks for your help,

David Lankford

-----Original Message-----
From: James ''Wez'' Weatherall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 7:24 AM
Subject: Re: VNC Connection Freezes / Drops

OK.  What affect do you get if you connect a viewer, work with it until it
freezes, then connect *another* viewer to the same server, but in "shared"
mode?  Also, what happens if you connect another viewer to the server while
the first viewer is hung, but in "unshared" mode?


James "Wez" Weatherall
          "The path to enlightenment is /usr/bin/enlightenment"
Laboratory for Communications Engineering, Cambridge - Tel : 766513
AT&T Labs Cambridge, UK                              - Tel : 343000

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Lankford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 7:58 PM
Subject: RE: VNC Connection Freezes / Drops

> VNCviewer is running on a WinNT4 machine and the WinVNC (App Mode) is
> running on a Win2k Pro system.
> Version 3.3.3r9
> I have not noticed it freezing when I minimize/restore the window.  I can
> connect and just move the mouse around for a short period of time before
> cursor freezes.  The longest time before a freeze has been 3 minutes.
> David
> -----Original Message-----
> From: James ''Wez'' Weatherall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 1:27 PM
> Subject: Re: VNC Connection Freezes / Drops
> > In my initial request, I stated the paragraph below.  In this instance,
> the
> > connection does not automatically cause the viewer to close, it just
> freezes
> > the connection requiring that the connection be manually closed.
> >
> >   "  2.  Frequently, the cusor will freeze and the connection will need
> > be
> > closed and restarted.  Note:  The white cursor freezes, the dot cursor
> > remains active and will allow me to close the window to restart the
> > session."
> Right.  I'm getting confused because a number of people all seem to be
> replying to the same emails and I'm losing context.
> Would I be right in assuming the viewer runs on a Windows machine?
> Do you ever minimise the viewer?  Does it spontaneously hang, or only when
> restored after having been minimised?
> Cheers,
> James "Wez" Weatherall
> --
>           "The path to enlightenment is /usr/bin/enlightenment"
> Laboratory for Communications Engineering, Cambridge - Tel : 766513
> AT&T Labs Cambridge, UK                              - Tel : 343000
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