hi James,
We can reproduce this problem. This note is going to give a better
description of the hang, and then will detail the steps to follow to
The problem is in the client viewer. The symtpom is that the client
viewer (full screen or window) freezes. The desktop does not refresh and
the host mouse is frozen. The "dot" mouse can be moved and the session
can be minimized or closed. The good news is that we have not only
figured out how to reproduce the problem, we know how to circumvent it
The problem has been reproduced with the 3.3.3 viewer running on W2K and
NT. It does not seem to matter what the server platform is; however, I
have used both the Linux and NT platforms in my testing.
Steps to reproduce the freeze:
1) start the viewer on an NT or W2K box.
2) minimize the session window to the toolbar
3) right click the toolbar icon for the session window
4) on the popup menu click 'fullscreen'
5) click the fullscreen acknowledgement
6) the session will be frozen, the mouse will be frozen, the 'dot' mouse
will move
1) minimize the session by ctrl-esc esc and right click on the toolbar
session icon
1a) click minimize
2) maximize the session by left clicking the toolbar session icon
The session will now be freed, the mouse will move , etc.
Alternate steps to reproduce the freeze:
1) start with the session in fullscreen mode (viewer on NT or W2K)
2) minimize the session with ctrl-esc esc and right click the toolbar
session icon
2a) click minimize
3) now right click the toolbar session icon and click the 'fullscreen'
option.... returning the session to window mode
4) the session will be frozen, the mouse will be frozen, the 'dot' mouse
will move
1) minimize the the window with the minimize control in the upper right
corner of the window
2) maximize the window by left clicking the toolbar session icon
The session will now be freed, the mouse will move, etc.
There appears to be other ways to accomplish this same symptom. But
this should get you started so that you can see the behavior that we are
describing. As you see, the session can be freed by minimizing it and
maximizing it WITHOUT touching the 'fullscreen' option. In the past we
were simply closing the window.
Thanks much,
Mark H. Harris <><
Staff Software Engineer
Software Tools Development - IBM Rochester, MN
iSeries Dept EL8Y/664-3 E115
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (8) 456-6910 1-507-286-6910
---------------------- Forwarded by Mark Harris/Rochester/IBM on 05/29/2001
05:02 PM ---------------------------
Mark Harris
05/23/2001 01:41 PM
From: Mark Harris/Rochester/IBM@IBMUS
Subject: Re: VNC Connection Freezes / Drops (Document link: Mark Harris)
> Over some time, something happens between the viewer and the server,
> one or the other will hang. In our case, closing the windows and
> reestablishing the connection gets us going again. Time before the hang
> varies, but is definitely not network related. Something else is going
> on.
Closing the viewer window and reconnecting fixes the problem?
James "Wez" Weatherall
Yes. The cursor freezes... only the dot can be moved. It is possible
to move the dot up and close the viewer window and restart. Something is
causing the viewer to lock, or hang, freeze...
Mark H. Harris <><
Staff Software Engineer
Software Tools Development - IBM Rochester, MN
iSeries Dept EL8Y/664-3 E115
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (8) 456-6910 1-507-286-6910
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