> There is a proper fix in my internal version of the VNC Server,
> I might yet be able to make a new release before Xmas!
OK, fine - there's little point me working on this next crazy fix
then (pity, cos I'm sure I've got it this time - patching the
CursorDevice Manager so that if it is called from the server's
context it uses its own code to post mouse events instead of the
cursor device manager code. -Interestingly, I think it should also
be possible to use this technique to fool the server into using the
CursorDevice calls in the case when the cursor device manager does
not really exist - this would solve the problems we've seen on some
old Macs, and possibly under the Mac OS emulator, where there is no
mouse control available.)
Jonathan, is it possible you could give a (tentative) list of extra
features you project will be in the alpha 3 release? - it would be
useful for me, at least, so that I know what I can start to rip out
of the vncPatches68k code...
BTW, have you included the extra code to get the mouse control
working in the case when there is no CursorDevice manager?
If not, I can let you know exactly what code is required to make
it fully operational (I've used this code in a small app that lets
you control the cursor via the arrow-keys+modifiers, and use the
space-bar+modifiers to click - so I know it works fine).
> which fortunately I brought with me to Albuquerque
Well I'll be in sunny Yorkshire - so there... :P
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