>> There is a proper fix in my internal version of the VNC Server,
>> I might yet be able to make a new release before Xmas!
>OK, fine - there's little point me working on this next crazy fix
>then (pity, cos I'm sure I've got it this time - patching the
>CursorDevice Manager so that if it is called from the server's
>context it uses its own code to post mouse events instead of the
>cursor device manager code. -Interestingly, I think it should also
>be possible to use this technique to fool the server into using the
>CursorDevice calls in the case when the cursor device manager does
>not really exist - this would solve the problems we've seen on some
>old Macs, and possibly under the Mac OS emulator, where there is no
>mouse control available.)
So much for an Xmas release - I haven't been able to do anything yet...
>Jonathan, is it possible you could give a (tentative) list of extra
>features you project will be in the alpha 3 release? - it would be
>useful for me, at least, so that I know what I can start to rip out
>of the vncPatches68k code...
The most major change will be in the vncGlobals structure, which you will
need to be aware of around release time. Other changes mostly involve
minor-ish bugfixes (eg. the holding-down-keys support) and this mouse
business. The mouse pointer is also captured properly on PCI machines
which is mostly a vncPatches feature, but is only necessary on PCI-based
machines with accelerated video (not the primary market for the
vncPatches68k). Error reporting and logging will NOT be added,
unfortunately, but should be in the following release.
>BTW, have you included the extra code to get the mouse control
>working in the case when there is no CursorDevice manager?
>If not, I can let you know exactly what code is required to make
>it fully operational (I've used this code in a small app that lets
>you control the cursor via the arrow-keys+modifiers, and use the
>space-bar+modifiers to click - so I know it works fine).
I have put in code which modifies all three LM variables to suit, and also
allows clicking using the LM variables. Dunno whether it works, but there
is a Classic-II in the house here which I might be able to test with (so
far it doesn't have a working 'net connection, and not really enough RAM,
but both are to be solved due to it's usefulness as a laptop subtitute).
>> which fortunately I brought with me to Albuquerque
>Well I'll be in sunny Yorkshire - so there... :P
Unfortunately, Lancaster is having connectivity problems so I can't get my
e-mail as often or as reliably as I'd like - hence my delay in replying.
Plenty of snow today though.
from: Jonathan "Chromatix" Morton
mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (not for attachments)
The key to knowledge is not to rely on people to teach you it.
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Version 3.12
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