I'm trying to get VNC working with a laptop (Win98) and two Solaris boxes.
Basically I want to run vncviewer on one of the boxes (Solaris) to access
the vncservers on both the Win98 box and the second Solaris box. Actually it
doesn't matter if I'm running vncviewer or the Java viewer because the
problem I'm running into is the same...

I've had success getting vncviewer to display and access my Win98 desktop
but not the Solaris vncserver. I don't really understand what the vncserver
script is supposed to do, therefore, I may have the box (Solaris) running
the vncserver set up incorrectly with respect to X.

When I connect to the server via a browser or vncviewer, I only see a black
screen where I expect to see the desktop.

The Solaris server is running Openwindows (CDE version 1.2) and that is the
part I don't  understand. Is VNC basically for use with a headless server
that isn't running a window manager or does it coexist with the window
manager that is already in place. I only ask this because I think the
vncserver script tries to launch a window manager.

I've read the FAQ, etc. but still don't really know how to set this up.



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